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Neuroticism and perfectionism as predictors of social anxiety

Faculty Advisor




social anxiety, trait perfectionism, socially prescribed perfectionism, self-oriented perfectionism, perfectionistic self-presentation, neuroticism, facets

Abstract (summary)

Prior research has demonstrated relationships between neuroticism, perfectionism, and social anxiety. This study examined whether trait perfectionism (particularly socially prescribed perfectionism [SPP]) and perfectionistic self-presentation predicted social interaction and evaluation anxiety while controlling for neuroticism. It also explored which neuroticism facets uniquely predicted social anxiety. Participants (N = 271) completed self-report measures assessing: social anxiety, trait perfectionism, perfectionistic self-presentation, and neuroticism. Most notably, results showed that the self-consciousness, vulnerability, and impulsiveness facets of neuroticism uniquely predicted interaction anxiety. Conversely, the self-consciousness, vulnerability, and anxiety facets uniquely predicted evaluation anxiety. Furthermore, while controlling for neuroticism, both SPP and self-oriented perfectionism uniquely predicted evaluation anxiety. Alternatively, nondisplay and nondisclosure of imperfection (but not trait perfectionism) uniquely predicted interaction anxiety. Overall, these findings demonstrate that neuroticism facets and aspects of perfectionism differentially predict social interaction and evaluation anxiety.

Publication Information

Newby, J., Pitura, V. A., Penney, A. M., Klein, R. G., Flett, G. L., & Hewitt, P. L. (2017). Neuroticism and perfectionism as predictors of social anxiety. Personality and Individual Differences, 106, 263-267.


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