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A dream and a painting marking Raven Woman’s death: synchronicities and a Jungian analysis

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Abstract (summary)

Years ago I brought a dream worker, of Central Alberta Cree heritage, to a couple of IASD conferences. Sylvia, Raven Woman, was thrilled to come and talk about her experiences with dreams as ‘dreamer’ for her reserve near Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I recall at a conference in Santa Cruz, she asked me why some of the people she was meeting were talking heads. At first I was puzzled and asked her what she meant, she said that what she saw was heads that were talking but no bodies. I laughed and realized that she was ‘seeing’ me and my scientist colleagues in terms of our intellects but that there was no body to us. I recall thinking how accurate was her ‘vision’. But I kept grinding numbers and began shortly after that to examine dreams of video game players.

Publication Information

Gackenbach, J.I. (2016, September/October). A dream and a painting marking Raven Woman’s death: synchronicities and a Jungian analysis. Paper presented at psiberdream conference online for the International Association for the Study of Dreams.



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