From shame to shame resilience: narratives of counselor trainees with eating issues
Faculty Advisor
anorexia, bulimia, body image, eating disorders, health care professionals, lived experience, narrative inquiry, resilience, social support
Abstract (summary)
Using narrative analysis, the experiences of 7 Canadian counselor trainees with eating issues were explored for meanings of shame and resilience. Shame was experienced as layers of discounting and disconnection from self and others, which served as barriers to help seeking and recovery. Trainees’ attempts to overcome shame were characterized by a dialectic conflict of protecting shame vs. prioritizing recovery. Finding a culture of safety and belonging, invalidating perfection, and redefining ideals emerged as elements that fostered resilience from the layers of shame. Recommendations for future research include exploring the important features of social support and examining how safe disclosure contributes to overcoming shame. Potential implications for counselor education programs include introducing self-care initiatives, discussions about counselor wellness and ethical practice, and education on eating issues.
Publication Information
Dayal, H., Weaver, K., Domene, J. F. (2014). From shame to shame resilience: Narratives of counselor trainees with eating issues. Qualitative Health Research, 25(2), 153-167. DOI: 10.1177/1049732314551988
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