Dangled carrots and measuring sticks: motivating online learners in self-enroll library instruction
Faculty Advisor
instructional design, information literacy, learning management systems
Abstract (summary)
Beginning in Spring 2014, our undergraduate university library adopted a new self-enroll model for our flagship first-year English online information literacy (IL) tutorial. Now, with robust data covering three semesters and five subject areas, a range of promotional strategies, and a variety of experiences, we can share our successes and challenges with this self-enroll approach to effective online IL tutorials. We will discuss what we have learned about the significant role that instructional faculty endorsement plays in motivating students, not only in providing external incentives, but also in fostering student motivation through affirmative messaging tying online IL courses to student success. In addition to presenting on the effectiveness of a range of motivators that can be used to improve student enrollment and completion rates for online tutorials, attendees will go away with practical strategies for securing instructional faculty engagement for promoting and incentivizing self-enroll tutorial opportunities.
Publication Information
Presented on April 21, 2016 at the Distance Library Services Conference held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Item Type
Attribution (CC BY)