Werner, KirstinMüller, JulianePieńkowski, Anna J.März, ChristianO’Regan, MattHendry, Katharine2016-10-172022-05-282022-05-282015https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14078/610Presented on October 21-24, 2014 at ISTAS (Integrating spatial and temporal scales in the changing Arctic system: towards future research priorities conference), held in Plouzane, France.Marine sediment cores from the Arctic Ocean hold essential environmental information beyond the period of historical and observational data acquisition. Climate and oceanographic changes in the past can be elucidated by studying indirect or proxy climate indicators (’proxies’). These proxies include fossilized benthic or planktic organisms, preserved biomarkers, organic matter, or lithic particles transported by either ice or ocean currents, and provide knowledge on environmental conditions in the past Arctic Ocean.360.6 KBPDFenAll Rights ReservedproxiesArctic Oceanparticle fluxesProxy calibration and evaluationPresentation