Taleb, AliGhosh, Subhadip2022-11-242022-11-242022Taleb, Ali & Ghosh, Subhadip (2022). Cash Assist or Shark Loan? In Quest of Doing Well While Doing Good. The Case Centre Publishing. CASE - Reference no. 822-0021-1. https://casecent.re/p/182454https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14078/2874Jim Kamal, 24 years, was a socially-conscious entrepreneur at hart. He just completed his undergrad studies in Accounting and was exploring the opportunity of starting a Payday Loan business. While doing market research, he came across various information that made his decision difficult. On the one hand, the opportunity appeared to have great potential for superior return on investment. On the other hand, the industry clearly suffered from a bad image due to what the press and government representatives qualified as unethical commercial practices. This was in contradiction with Kamal's personal values and professional objective - doing good while doing well.enAll Rights Reservedpersonal valuesprofessional objectivesCash assist or shark loan? In quest of doing well while doing goodArticle Post-Print