Shamchuk, Lisa2015-08-042022-05-272022-05-272015Shamchuk, L. (2015) Professional development on a budget: Facilitating learning opportunities for information literacy instructors. Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, 10(1), 1-14. do you stay on top of evolving trends and changes to information literacy delivery, especially while coping with shrinking professional development allocations? This article details various in-house, professional development opportunities created for MacEwan University’s library staff. Low-cost, practical ideas are given to help jump-start a library's information literacy professional development offerings. Included are details about organizing an Information Literacy Community, internal Library Professional Development Days and an information literacy event open to local library professionals.233 kbPDFenAttribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)professional developmentinformation literacyconference planningProfessional development on a budget: facilitating learning opportunities for information literacy instructorsArticle