Provencher, Lucas2017-06-282022-05-282022-05-282016Provencher, L. (2016). Point and shoot: How public shaming came back into fashion on the Prairies. The Scavenger, 3. Retrieved from‐2/ week in Western Canada, a stranger walks up to someone they believe to be a pedophile and whose name they have fished out of a dating website. There is a confrontation, which is recorded and released online. This is how Creep Catchers operates. It is the dominant group of pedophile hunters in the country and has listed 17 city chapters, most in Alberta. Eight are still active in the province, if you count the splinter group, Zero Children Hurt, which performed the sting at Bonnie Doon. This story is about Alberta, but it makes a couple of stops before getting there, and the first is in Eastern Europe.511.6 KBPDFenAll Rights Reservedvigilante justiceonline predatorsPoint and shoot: how public shaming came back into fashion on the PrairiesStudent Report