Buchanan, Dave2023-07-052023-07-052022Buchanan, D. (2022) "The stutter of the world beneath you": The literature of cycle travel. In G. Norcliffe, U. Brogan, P. Cox, B. Gao, T. Hadland, S. Hanlon, T. Jones, N. Oddy, & L. Vivanco (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Cycling. Routledge.97803676839939781003142041https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14078/3148The earliest accounts of cycle travel, from the 1870s, mostly in magazines in England and America, tended to be not so much literary as itinerary: plain-prose descriptive narratives of distances rode, places visited, and technical and logistical details about things like road conditions, supply points, and accommodation. The three main types of cycle-travel writers that emerged in the late nineteenth century – pilgrims, ramblers, and adventurers – remain responsible for the vast majority of cycle-travel literature produced today. Not all cycle-travel writers emphasize destinations or specific routes the way pilgrims do. In fact, a vibrant tradition of cycle-travel writing from the 1890s to the 1940s is more concerned with celebrating the experience of the ride as an end in itself. Both pilgrims and ramblers tend to take a leisurely, recreational, small-scale approach to travel, one that emphasizes interactions between traveller, place, history, texts, and nature rather than distances covered and difficult terrain traversed.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND)cycle traveltravel writerscycle-travel writingcycling history"The stutter of the world beneath you": the literature of cycle travelBook Chapter