Betz, SonyaRoberton, Ian2017-02-132022-05-282022-05-282016Betz, S. & Roberton, I. (2016) Integrating discovery to improve the user experience. In K. Varnum (Ed.), Exploring discovery: The front door to your library's licensed and digitized content (pp.155-168). Chicago: ALA Editions. doi:10.7939/R3W73G chapter examines the effects of integrating APIs for academic library services through a case study examining the development of a seamless, responsive discovery environment at MacEwan University Library, a medium-sized Canadian university.410.5 KBPDFenAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)librariesuser experienceweb designdiscovery servicesmobile applicationsIntegrating discovery to improve the user experienceBook Chapter