Jose, SoumyaRaj, Sony Jalarajan2020-11-252022-05-312022-05-312017Jalarajan Raj, S., Soumya Jose. “American Frontier Myth and Black Humour: A Study of Marsha Norman’s The Holdup.” Alfomine International Journal. 4.6(2017) 310. frontier myth, which can aptly be termed as a relic of the past is intricately woven into the plot of Marsha Norman’s play, The Holdup. This paper attempts to unravel how the playwright has employed black humour to stage the metamorphosis of a naïve teenager to an adult with broader world view. Besides, the paper examines the technique of meta-narration used by the playwright to narrate the events that had happened offstage.3.84MBPDFenAll Rights ReservedAmerican frontier mythoutlawsblack humourmeta-narrationtransformationAmerican frontier myth and black humour: a study of Marsha Norman’s The HoldupArticle