Grewal, Sara2021-07-122022-05-312022-05-312013Grewal, Sara Hakeem. "Intra- and Interlingual Translation in Blackamerican Muslim Hip Hop." African American Review, 46.1 (2013): 37-54. DOI: 10.1353/afa.2013.0023 article explores elements of protest against white supremacy in Blackamerican Muslim hip hop music. Emphasis is given to the author's idea of intralingual translation between Hip Hop National Language and White Mainstream English in the music of artists such as Mos Def and Lupe Fiasco. Other topics include the role of scholarship in interpreting hip hop, the multiplicity of the English language, and the use of Arabic words and references to the Qur'an.enAll Rights Reservedhip hopEnglish languageArabic wordsIntra- and interlingual translation in Blackamerican Muslim hip hopArticle