Maykut, Colleen2021-05-072022-05-312022-05-312020Maykut, C. A. (2020). Skillful moral leadership: Collective action to foster moral habitability. Nurse Leader, 18(5), 491–496. habitability refers to the intersect between our social-political location as nurses and the ideologies and structure of workplace environments. This liminal space to enact social justice, has become progressively difficult to navigate and sustain for nurses. Tensions exist between best interest of the client framed with economic efficiency. Economic priorities may influence the nurse’s ability to ensure equitable health for all clients. At risk is their capacity to enact ethical choices when constrained by cost containment. Moral habitability for nurses is necessary to ensure humanistic caring, which is fundamental for nursing practice to flourish.enAll Rights Reservedmoral habitabilitynursingSkillful moral leadership: collective action to foster moral habitabilityArticle