Dobson, SarahWinter, JenniferBoyd, Brendan2020-10-022022-05-312022-05-312019Dobson, S., Winter, J. and Boyd, B. (2019). The greenhouse gas emissions coverage of carbon pricing instruments for Canadian provinces. The School of Public Policy Publications, 12:6. paper focuses primarily on provincial systems’ emissions coverage: the share of emissions subject to a carbon price. The federal government has set a pricing benchmark, the minimum level of emissions coverage that provincial pricing policies are required to meet. The federal backstop — consisting of a carbon tax and output-based pricing system (OBPS) for large emitters — is imposed on provinces whose policies don’t measure up to the federal benchmark. We examine how the coverage of implemented, announced and former provincial pricing policies measure up to the benchmark and backstop. Using reported emissions data for each province from 2015, we provide an estimate of emissions coverage in each province from the policies in effect in 2019.1.89MBPDFenAttribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC)greenhouse gas emissionscarbon pricingCanadaThe greenhouse gas emissions coverage of carbon pricing instruments for Canadian provincesArticle