Robinson, JackMoorsel, Alyssa Van2016-09-072022-05-282022-05-282013 First Nations people have always been cast as the Other, as the colonized, by caucasian Canadian society: they are the depraved, the damned, the conquered, and the inferior. This image has been adjusted from century to century to suit society’s needs. As a result, Native people have been prevented from forming their own identities. Thomas King, in The Truth About Stories, tells stories, drawing upon his upbringing and life experiences while exploring the many stereotypes that have been historically attached to North American indigenous peoples. [Honours thesis]160.71 KBPDFenAll Rights Reservedstorytellingethnic identity"We story them": Thomas King's rhetorical approach to the de-othering and re-storying of First Nations peopleUndergraduate Thesis