Boers, NicholasHaigh, RowanSchnute, Jon2017-01-202022-05-282022-05-282004Boers, N., Haigh, R., & Schnute, J. (2004). PBS mapping 2: Developer’s guide. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2550. Retrieved from report describes the technical process used to develop and build the software package PBS Mapping 2. A companion User’s Guide (Schnute et al. 2004) documents the purpose and use of this software, which involves over 10,000 lines of code for R, S-PLUS, and C. To build the package from source files, we use a variety of software tools, most of them freely available from the Internet. We outline procedures for downloading and installing these tools, and we describe the directory tree of source files for building PBS Mapping and a related package PBS Data. We then explain how to use automated scripts that build our libraries for three software environments: R, S-PLUS 2000, and S-PLUS 6. Additional scripts create PDF documentation files for appendices in the User’s Guide.122.79 KBPDFenAll Rights Reservedsoftware developmentfisheriesPBS mapping 2: developer’s guideReport