Wurfel, Marlene2020-10-092022-05-312022-05-312020Wurfel, Marlene. "Teddy Bear Island Tuffy’s Loving Kindness Meditation." Tales from the Lilypad, 30 September 2020, https://talesfromthelilypad.podbean.com.https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14078/1817In this episode, written & performed by Marlene Wurfel, Waffles the Black Bear learns a loving-kindness meditation technique from Tuffy the Griz. It helps him calm down when he's afraid to hibernate. Music courtesy of YouTube’s Audio Library: “Whispering Stream” by E’s Jammy Jams; “Somnolent” by The Tides & "AnaCaptainslogue" by Noir et Blanc Vie. Meditation technique inspired with gratitude by a loving-kindness meditation by Dr. Emma Seppala, Science Director of Stanford University’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education.22.61MBMPEGenAll Rights Reservedstorytellingchildren's storiesTeddy Bear Island: Tuffy’s loving kindness meditationPodcast