Shadnam, Masoud2020-10-082022-05-312022-05-312019Shadnam, M. 2019. A postpositivist commentary on self-fulfilling theories. Academy of Management Review, 44(3): 684–686. the vast terrain of social and economic sciences, it is well documented and established that some theories become self-fulfilling in the sense that they shape the social reality they purport to describe ([4], [5]; [9]). In their recent article [8] highlight an important gap in this literature—that is, we do not know much about when and how theories become self-fulfilling. Reflecting on this gap, they propose a process model for self-fulfilling theories and identify six boundary conditions that determine whether a theory becomes self-fulfilling or not.enAll Rights Reservedexpectation (psychology)self-fulfilling prophecypositivist ethicsA postpositivist commentary on self-fulfilling theoriesArticle