Gackenbach, JayneMoorecroft, WilliamAlexander, CharlesLaBerge, Stephen2021-03-182022-05-312022-05-311987Gackenbach, J.I., Moorecroft, W., Alexander, C. & LaBerge, S. (1987). "Consciousness" during sleep in a TM practitioner: Heart rate, respiration, and eye movement. Lucidity Letter, 6(2), 137-145. of consciousness during dreaming or lucid dreaming have been verified by having the dreamer signal from the dream that he/she is dreaming with a prearranged set of distinctive lateral eye movements (LaBerge, 1985). This basic methodology has subsequently been replicated in other sleep laboratories. Relatedly, a continuation of consciousness from the waking state into the sleep state is claimed to be a key aspect of the experience of "Transcendental Consciousness", which is developed by the practice of Transcendental Meditation (TM; Banquet & Sailhan, 1974).322.15KBPDFenAll Rights Reservedlucid dreamingconsciousnessdreamereye movementssleep laboratoriestranscendental consciousnessTranscendental MeditationTMautonomic arousalpolysomnograms"Consciousness" during sleep in a TM practitioner: heart rate, respiration, and eye movementArticle