Ayles, RobynFitzsimmons Frey, HeatherMykietyshyn, Margaret2021-11-222022-05-312022-05-312021Ayles, Robyn, Heather Fitzsimmons Frey, and Margaret Mykietyshyn. "Flight Paths and Theatre for Early Years." Critical Stages 22 (2020, December). https://www.critical-stages.org/22/flight-paths-and-theatre-for-early-years-audiences/https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14078/2497This article proposes using the holistic play-based goals and model of co-inquiry discussed in Flight: Alberta’s Early Learning and Care Framework (2014) as a way to interpret very young children’s responses to theatrical experiences as theatre criticism. The process encourages wondering and reflecting on multiple possible meanings of children’s embodied, vocal, and play-based responses. Through an exploration of documentary evidence from The Urban Wildlife Project, our immersive theatre research outlines how the early childhood education processes can be adapted to a theatre context to listen to children’s responses on their own terms.819.44KBPDFenAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND)children’s rightsdemocraticdramaturgyearly childhood educationplaytheatre for early yearsFlight paths and theatre for early years audiencesArticle