Wurfel, Marlene2022-01-132022-05-312022-05-312021Wurfel, Marlene. "Star Lore." Tales from the Lilypad, 31 August 2021, https://talesfromthelilypad.podbean.com.https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14078/2546A blend of storytelling, ambient music and meditation celebrating the changing of seasons and the starry night sky. Ochek the Fisher from Cree star lore, Orion's dogs Canis Major & Canis Minor from Roman antiquity, the Blackfoot story of Lost Children in the stars, Lyra the Harp and Cetus the Whale reinvented plus Inuit, Indian, Ukrainian & Chinese mythologies combined in this episode with love to and from the stars and everyone who has gazed up at them and told a story. Orca sounds from www.orcaresearch.org.18.10MBMPEGenAll Rights Reservedstorytellingchildren's storiesStar lorePodcast