Fitzsimmons Frey, Heather2021-08-112022-05-312022-05-312017Fitzsimmons Frey, H. (2017). Singing and dancing 'their bit' for the nation: Canadian children's performances for charity circa WWI. Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures, 9(2), 43-68. the First World War, Canadian children supported the war effort by raising money for organizations such as the Red Cross through singing, dancing, and dramatic performances. Charitable performances by three distinct groups--the professional Winnipeg Kiddies, the educational Miss Sternberg's School of Dance and Physical Culture, and the amateur service organization the Girl Guides of Canada--share striking commonalities that demonstrate how children and children's bodies were powerful indicators of contemporary Canadian hopes for the good life in Canada.enAll Rights ReservedFirst World WardanceCanadian childrencharitySinging and dancing 'their bit' for the nation: Canadian children's performances for charity circa WWIArticle