Jahangir, Junaid2023-10-102023-10-102023Jahangir, J. (2023) Testimonial: Discovering John Komlos: my journey towards a paradigm shift, International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education, 14(1):5-8. https://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticletoc.php?jcode=ijpee&year=2023&vol=14&issue=1https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14078/3242The author discusses how "both Komlos and Reardon inspired me to pursue reading more about economics that was critical of the mainstream, and I ended up developing a research career in teaching undergraduate economics."enAll Rights Reservedeconomicspost-secondary educationTestimonial: discovering John Komlos: my journey towards a paradigm shiftArticle