Gackenbach, JayneKuruvilla, Beena2014-08-122022-05-272022-05-272008Gackenbach, J., & Kuruvilla, B. (2008). The relationship between video game play and threat simulation dreams. Dreaming, 18(4), 236-256. doi:10.1037/a0013782 proposes an evolutionary theory of dreaming in which dreams allow an individual to prepare for real world threats in the safety of the virtual setting of the dream world. Based upon previous work examining the dreams of video game players, it was hypothesized that high-end gamers would experience fewer threat simulation dreams due to frequent threat resolution rehearsal during game play. Subjects were asked to report a night before dream and fill out surveys regarding their gaming history, media use, and dream experiences. Using a factor analysis, support for the main hypothesis was found. Individuals with a history of game play experienced fewer threat severity variables in their dreams.348.16 kbPDFenAll Rights Reserveddreamsvideo gamesthreat simulationThe relationship between video game play and threat simulation dreamsArticle Post-Print