Ivanescu, CristianKucerovsky, Dan2021-12-212022-05-312022-05-312021Ivanscu, I., & Kucerovsky, D. (2021). Cu-nuclearity implies LLP and exactness. New York Journal of Mathematics, 27, 918-922. https://nyjm.albany.edu/j/2021/27-36v.pdfhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14078/2520The Cu-nuclearity property is an analogue of Skandalis's notion of K-nuclearity, adapted to the case of Cuntz semigroups of C*-algebras. We prove that this implies nuclearity, and we introduce a weaker form of the condition. We prove that the new condition weak Cu-nuclearity, for simple separable C*-algebras, implies exactness and the local lifting property (LLP). We also prove that if A is a simple C*-algebra with the weak Cu-nuclearity property, and B is any simple C*-algebra, then A ⊗min B = A ⊗max B. We prove that Cu-nuclearity does imply nuclearity, and that in some cases this is also true for weak Cu-nuclearity.702.26KBPDFenAll Rights ReservedCu-nuclearitylocal lifting property (LLP)Cu-nuclearity implies LLP and exactnessArticle