Hall, Robyn2014-08-282022-05-272022-05-272014https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14078/136Presented on May 27, 2014 at the ACIFA Conference in Jasper, Alberta.There are dozens of opportunities for college and university faculty to share their teaching and research materials freely on the Internet, from personal websites and social media accounts to institutional repositories. Doing so can open up great opportunities to share expertise, find collaborators, and reach new heights in establishing oneself professionally among peers. Sharing also provides a sustainable means for academics and students around the world to learn from and build on each other’s work. This session will provide an overview of ways faculty can easily and meaningfully engage with the online world by sharing their work. A variety of websites and services that are popular among a growing number of academics will be highlighted and discussed in terms of their benefits and potential applications. Common concerns around copyright and intellectual property will also be addressed, and participants will learn some practical ways to maintain and communicate their rights over works when placing them online.5.54 mbPDFenAttribution (CC BY)academic publishingsocial scholarshipopen accesscreative commonsintellectual propertycopyrightThe great academic giveaway: how to share your work online… and why you shouldPresentation