Hall, Robyn2014-08-282022-05-272022-05-272014https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14078/137Presented on Monday, June 30, 2014 at the Council on Undergraduate Research Conference (CUR 2014) in Washington, DC.Publishing opportunities for undergraduate students continue to grow, particularly in university-hosted, student-led open access journals. The MacEwan University Student eJournal (MUSe) is a recent initiative that involves undergraduate students from across disciplines at every level of the publication process, from solicitation of submissions through to blind peer-review, and dissemination. These students are each actively involved with faculty mentors, affording them the opportunity to work alongside experienced academics while gaining insight and knowledge about the ways in which scholarly and creative publications are managed. Drawing on the experiences of those involved with MUSe, along with related efforts of other undergraduate research publications, this poster describes in detail ways that journal managers can work to ensure meaningful and sustainable faculty engagement in student journals. This includes best practices for recruiting faculty mentors, and effective means of providing necessary support to ensure a worthwhile and engaging experience for faculty and students alike during every stage of the publishing process.388 kbPDFenAttribution (CC BY)open journal systemsmentorshipundergraduate publishingfacultyopen accessThe mentor and the MUSe: engaging faculty in undergraduate student publishingPresentation