Nieto-Cuebas, Glenda Y.Cowling, Erin2020-11-022022-05-312022-05-312020Cowling, E. and Glenda Y. Nieto-Cuebas. “Teatro Inverso's Rosaura: Recasting La vida es sueño through Storytelling.” Comedia Performance, 17.1, 2020, pp. 70-89. a world where, paradoxically, increased communication via social networks has caused a rise in physical isolation, stories bring people back together. The theater, however, still allows people to partake in a shared experience. To this end Teatro Inverso has created a theory of Bodily Poetics: the understanding of how the actors’ bodies create the space onstage in connection with the poetry of the words and their actions. The theory was used to create an adaptation of La vida es sueño by Calderón de la Barca, Rosaura, which focuses on the female characters and their connections to each other, the action of the play, and their raw emotions. This article discusses the different ways in which storytelling is being used by Teatro Inverso to create adaptations that speak to their modern audiences.enAll Rights ReservedstorytellingperformancecomediañaqueadaptationTeatro Inverso’s Rosaura: recasting La vida es sueño through storytellingArticle