Gagnon, Alexandra2024-05-072024-05-072023Gagnon, A. (2023). From science to scandal: the impact of the Wakefield studies on MMR vaccine acceptance. Crossing Borders: Student Reflections on Global Social Issues, 5(2). hesitancy threatens the efficacy of immunization and public health. This paper provides an overview of the history and success of vaccine development, and the recent increase in vaccination conspiracies. Although vaccines have been proven effective, vaccine hesitancy is a complex phenomenon. The Wakefield studies is an example of how misinformation can cause lasting damage to public trust in vaccines and healthcare institutions. We can ensure that future generations remain protected from preventable diseases by approaching this issue with empathy and dispelling misinformation.enAttribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC)vaccinesvaccine developmentvaccine hesitancymisinformationFrom science to scandal: the impact of the Wakefield studies on MMR vaccine acceptanceStudent Article