Pieńkowski, Anna J.Furze, Mark F.A.England, John H.MacLean, BrianVon Prause, MarkusBlasco, Steve2014-10-102022-05-272022-05-272013https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14078/171Presented on April 8, 2013 at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly in Vienna, Austria.The Canadian Arctic Archipelago (= CAA) constitutes a significant geographic region within the Arctic Ocean Basin, influencing its oceanography, biology, ecology, and climate. Yet comparatively little is known about the long-term (post-Late Wisconsinan) environmental history of the marine channels of this region (the “Northwest Passage” = NWP). New marine data emerging from the central CAA extending back to regional deglaciation highlight the potential of multiproxy approaches in high-latitude settings.45.62 kbPDFenAttribution (CC BY)glaciationCanadian Arctic ArchipelagoLate Quaternary marine records from High Arctic Canada: problems, solutions, and multiproxy perspectivesPresentation