Hilts, RobertSkelhorne, Aaron W.Simkus, Danielle N.Herd, Christopher D. K.2016-10-132022-05-282022-05-282016Presented on 7-12 August, 2016 at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, held at the Henry Ford Building in Berlin, Germany.https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14078/608A GC-MS-SPME analytical method for the direct determination of amines in aqueous solution has been developed. The key step in the procedure is the conversion of the amines into their non-volatile ammonium salts by protonation with HCl.94.05 KBPDFenAll Rights ReservedDevelopment of a GC-MS-SPME method for the determination of amines in meteoritesPresentation