Wurfel, Marlene2020-03-112022-05-312022-05-312017Wurfel, Marlene. "The Girl Who Cried Pee." Tales from the Lilypad, 29 January 2017, https://talesfromthelilypad.podbean.com.https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14078/1476This must be the worst Tales From the Lilypad Episode yet. Or perhaps it's the best. Possibly it's just middling the pack. In any case: urine need of a warning: this episode use the word "pee" exactly 21 times and is mostly about pee. This modern remake of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" has nothing to do with wolves but lots to do with soggy diapers.17.66MBMPEGenAll Rights Reservedstorytellingchildren's storiesThe girl who cried peePodcast