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Ancient rhetoric and Paul's apology: the compositional unity of 2 Corinthians

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ancient rhetoric, Ancient Rhetoric & Paul's Apology: The Compositional Unity of 2 Corinthians (Book), Long, Frederick J.

Abstract (summary)

It is always gratifying to see New Testament literature dealt with as a species of Graeco-Roman literature rather than as an idiosyncratic phenomenon in the Greek culture of the Roman Empire. Long's insightful book is a fine example of such a treatment. The purpose of his work is to argue the integrity of 2 Corinthians by reading it as an example of a forensic apologetic epistle. The perceived discontinuities, which have provided fodder for those exegetes who see 2 Corinthians as a composite of a number of different letters, are understood as deliberate breaks separating the distinct elements found in Greek and Latin oratorical theory and practice. Altogether, Long's monograph is thorough—perhaps excessively so—and convincing.

Publication Information

Garstad, Benjamin, review of Ancient rhetoric and Paul’s apology: the compositional unity of 2 Corinthians by Frederick J. Long. Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series 131. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Classical Bulletin, 82.1 (2006): 153-4.



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