‘Tweeting’ the news: Twitter journalism as a new age crowd news disseminator in India
Faculty Advisor
social media, journalism, ethics, Twitter
Abstract (summary)
Not restraining itself as a social networking service, Twitter conquered the realm of ‘journalism’ with its tweet- news, brushing aside erstwhile news rulers. Within a short period since its inception in 2006, it created a tremendous hype proving it to be the best platform for citizen journalists. Its incomparable service during some breaking events like the Mumbai terrorist attack and Iran election is laudable which in fact helped in its popularity. But the biggest concern of this medium of short messaging service is its authenticity and fairness of reporting, which should be at the heart of a good Fourth Estate. The surveillance took upon by these social sites, the part and parcel of our routine, is creating a network of unauthenticated information. It is integrating with our daily activities the way cellphone and the Internet already have crept into. Hyper activism that these social sites show in disseminating news- from breaking events to celebrity gossips- creates indefinite threat to the fair flow of information. This paper tries to explore the ethical concern in twitter journalism when compared to traditional and other new media platforms. This article also tries to analyze the adaptability of the combination of Instant Messaging (IM) and mobile phone text messaging and try to explain the multi- faceted dimensions of risk as far as Internet Telephony in Twitter Journalism is concerned. The article mainly relies on text analysis and content analysis of scholarly articles.
Publication Information
Raj, Sony Jalarajan, Sreekumar Rohini, and Nithin Kalorth. "‘Tweeting’ the News: Twitter Journalism as a New Age Crowd News Disseminator in India." European Academic Research 1.11 (2014): 4536- 4571. Web. 20 May 2016.
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