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Evaluating student and faculty satisfaction with a pedagogical framework

Faculty Advisor




web-enhanced, fully online, pedagogical framework, instructional design

Abstract (summary)

Most schools of nursing utilize technology to deliver courses, and entire curricula, through a combination of face to face (f2f), web-enhanced, and fully online strategies. Challenges associated with course delivery may include geographic and technological barriers, lack of instructional design support, inconsistent, inadequate or unreliable support infrastructure, and varying degrees of faculty and student experiences with learning management systems. The purpose of this exploratory study was to evaluate student and faculty satisfaction with two courses structured using a pedagogical framework; identify advantages and disadvantages of the courses; and identify instructional design recommendations for implementation of the framework. Based on results from the study, there is evidence to support use of the ICARE framework in structuring quality, satisfying courses from both student and faculty perspectives.

Publication Information

Salyers, V., Carter, L., Barrett, P., & Williams, L. (2010). Evaluating student and faculty satisfaction with a pedagogical framework. Journal of Distance Education/Revue de l'Éducation à Distance, 24(3). Retrieved from http://



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