Does hunger lead to hybridization in a genus of sexually cannibalistic insects (Orthoptera: Prophalangopsidae)?
Faculty Advisor
Cyphoderris, genomics, genotyping by sequencing, grig, population genetics, Prophalangopsidae, sexual selection
Abstract (summary)
Allochronic isolation can be a strong mechanism for reproductive isolation and speciation. However, imperfect allochrony and the expression of phenological plasticity can erode temporal barriers to gene flow and result in hybridization between divergent lineages. Here, we combine behavioural ecology and genomics to investigate this scenario in two closely related species of grigs in the genus Cyphoderris. These species exhibit a unique mating system whereby females feed on the fleshy hind wings of the male during copulation, and copulation with conspecific males is more likely in food-restricted females than in well-fed females. In western Canada, Cyphoderris buckelli and Cyphoderris monstrosa are sympatric but largely allochronically separated, with C. buckelli breeding earlier. However, their breeding seasons can overlap, leading to potential for older C. buckelli females to mate with young C. monstrosa males to obtain resources via sexual cannibalism. We used behavioural assays to test whether female feeding status affects the propensity for interspecific mating between C. buckelli females and C. monstrosa males. We then tested for hybridization and gene exchange in wild populations of both species, using morphology, mitochondrial DNA and genome-wide nuclear markers. We found that interspecific courtship and mating can occur, but the relationship between food restriction and increased propensity for hybridization was not significant. Although we observed intraspecific population genetic structure in both species, we found no signatures of hybridization in the morphological or genetic datasets, which suggests that postmating reproductive barriers might be preventing successful hybridization in the wild.
Publication Information
Dupuis JR+, Judge KA+, Brunet BMT, Ohlmann Chan S*, Sperling FAH. 2020. Does hunger lead to hybridization in a genus of sexually cannibalistic insects (Orthoptera: Prophalangopsidae)? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society blaa094. =+ these authors contributed equally * undergraduate coauthor DOI: 10.1093/biolinnean/blaa094
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