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Using Kotter’s Change Management theory and Innovation Diffusion theory in implementing an electronic medical record

Faculty Advisor




electronic medical record, change management, innovation diffusion, Rogers’ Innovation Diffusion theory, Kotter’s Change Management theory

Abstract (summary)

The high incidence of preventable medical errors in health care is a key factor that has led to pressure on health care organizations to implement electronic medical records (EMRs) as a means to mitigate the issues antecedent to these adverse outcomes. However, despite the potential benefits of implementing an EMR, the adoption of this technology has been slow. There are many potential barriers to the implementation of an EMR with the most salient being poor change management. There are many change management theories available and two that have been used to successfully implement technological innovations in health care are Kotter’s Change Management Theory and Rogers’ Innovation Diffusion theory. This article presents a theoretical discussion of how a combination of these two theories could be applied in practice to successfully implement an EMR.

Publication Information

Neumeier, M. (2013). Using Kotter’s change management theory and innovation diffusion theory in implementing an electronic medical record. Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics, 8(1-2), 2880. Retrieved from



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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND)