They taught us to hide from ourselves
Faculty Advisor
typography, poster design, Indian Horse, Richard Wagamese, MacEwan Book of the Year
Abstract (summary)
Type as Image: Eliciting Emotions is a project of VCDE233 Typography II (Constanza Pacher) and Pre-Press Production (Jess Dupuis), both courses in the Design Studies Diploma Program at MacEwan University. Students were asked to capture the essence of the book Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese (MacEwan Book of the Year 2013/2014), and translate it into a three-poster series using typography as the main element. Under the premise that the visual form is dictated by the content, students were encouraged to analyze plot, characters, point of view, imagery, tone, themes and symbolism to extract key words, sentences and passages as the basis for their designs. Students were asked to challenge literal interpretations by exploring the use of expressive typography and text and image relationships.
Publication Information
Pollon, Casey S. "Indian Horse." MUSe 2.1 (2015): n. pag. Web. 11 April 2009.
Displayed March 17-April 4, 2014 at MacEwan University Library, City Centre Campus in Edmonton, Alberta.
Item Type
Student Creative Work
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