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Research recast(ed): S2E8 - Give them something, but not too much, with Dr. Murli Muralidharan

Faculty Advisor




product recalls, safety hazards

Abstract (summary)

Today we are talking with Dr. Etayankara Muralidharan, who you might know as Murli here on campus. We are diving into the world of product recalls, and how companies balance priorities - and sometimes pass the blame - when having to pull products off the shelves. We learn about how the organizational systems studied in product recall research also have implications for other systems in our society, and how our politicians and bureaucrats also play the balancing game when it comes to making big decisions in the public space. If you’re interested in following up with Murli’s work, you can check out this Conversation Canada article, Parents should do research on toy recalls before buying Christmas gifts.

Publication Information

Ekelund, B., & Cave, D. (Hosts). (2022, December). Give them something, but not too much, with Dr. Murli Muralidharan (Season 2, Episode 8) [Audio podcast episode]. In Research recast(ed). MacEwan University.



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