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Modeling the impact of college's website on the individual's impression of the college

Faculty Advisor




website impression, choice of college

Abstract (summary)

This research looks into the relationship between the impact of college website and the impression formed about the college by the students. Previous literatures have shown that websites play an important role on forming an impression about an organization, and presentation, structure of navigation, quality of information, trust and perceived risk, and internet self-efficacy to be the important dimensions of an organizational website. This research extends that study to the educational sector. A survey methodology is used to conduct this research. The results reveal that college website do have an impact on the impression formed about the college, and presentation, structure of navigation, and quality of information posted on the website are the important factors that influences the impression of prospective students about the college.

Publication Information



Presented on March 11, 2011 at the conference of the SouthWest Decision Sciences Institute (SWDSI), in Houston, Texas.

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