Evaluating the extrajudicial measures and sanctions within the Youth Criminal Justice Act
Faculty Advisor
young offenders, Youth Criminal Justice Act, restorative justice
Abstract (summary)
Since the introduction of the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA), there have been some concerns about the effectiveness of young people utilizing extrajudicial measures and extrajudicial sanctions. This article investigates if the implementation of these measures has created positive impacts for young offenders or if it is equivalent to just “a slap on the wrist.” Using a lens of restorative justice, the strengths and weaknesses of youth circles, youth committees, and victim-offender mediation programs are examined. This article explores the roles of those involved within extrajudicial measures and sanctions and addresses the gaps that exist within this section of the YCJA. Ultimately, this article finds that the restorative justice practices of extrajudicial measures and sanctions are effective at supporting young people throughout the legal process. It discovers that the programs offered for young offenders can give them a voice in their situation and create a connection to their community. However, there are changes needed in the areas of consistent data collection, proper fund allocation, and programming availability.
Publication Information
Semotiuk, Kendell. 2021. "Evaluating the Extrajudicial Measures and Sanctions within the Youth Criminal Justice Act." Crossing Borders: Student Reflections on Global Social Issues 3(1). doi:10.31542/cb.v3i1.2251
Item Type
Student Article
Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC)