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"Good" mother versus "bad" mother: how societal conceptions of motherhood in Canada and Ukraine impact a mother’s access to opportunities

Faculty Advisor




motherhood, ideals, inequality

Abstract (summary)

This paper focuses on the social construction of motherhood and the subsequent labels ascribed to mothers that impact their access to opportunities at various levels of society. Intersectional factors such as socioeconomic status, age, race, ethnicity, marital status, and job type impact a mother's daily life. Consequently, depending on the area of the world under analysis, the definition of what makes a "good" or "bad" mother varies. Within Canada and Ukraine, for example, a "good" mother may be ever-present and willing to devote their entire being to their children. While on the other hand, a "bad" mother is often an individual who spends time away from their family and may participate in self-indulgent activities that do not involve their children. Public perceptions of motherhood that are often perpetuated and reinforced within media assist in defining what is considered a "good" or "bad" mother by casting judgements about how one ought to behave once they have children. It is difficult to generalize what values exist geographically regarding motherhood, as many societies have different standards. The labels of "good" or "bad" mother create unique implications socially, economically, culturally, and politically in our society because of the inequality that exists because of the two classifications. Through this research, I hope to determine the factors that exist within our society that impede or enhance a mother's access to opportunities.

Publication Information

Bilyk, D. (2022). "Good" mother versus "bad" mother: how societal conceptions of motherhood in Canada and Ukraine impact a mother’s access to opportunities. Crossing Borders: Student Reflections on Global Social Issues, 4(1).


Item Type

Student Article



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