MacEwan Book of the Year poster designs
Faculty Advisor
typography, poster design, MacEwan Book of the Year, Sweetland, Michael Crummey
Abstract (summary)
These posters were designed to give a visual representation to the book Sweetland, by Michael Crummey, for a project in Typography II. The main idea behind the series of posters was to represent the slow deterioration of everything around Sweetland, and how he tries to hold onto the past and pretend that everything is going well. The type speaks to this concept in that it is peeling and cracking, and starting to disappear from the surface it was painted on due to its age and poor treatment. There is a progression of the deterioration in the posters, with the first one having minimal damage, the second a bit more, and finally at the end, it is the most worn away. It represents how at first things seem to be starting to change and Sweetland wants to prevent that change, but in the process he begins to lose everything he wanted to hold onto.
Publication Information
Presented on April 23, 2019 at Student Research Day held at MacEwan University in Edmonton, Alberta.
Item Type
Student Creative Work
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