The human resources management of a democratic action: intentionality, elements and functioning
Faculty Advisor
citizenship development and engagement, content analysis, participatory, budgeting
Abstract (summary)
In reaction to the issue of citizens’ distrust, apathy and disengagement from representative democracy, we investigate democratic actions in which participation, deliberation, and political engagement take place: the participatory budgeting (PB) of municipalities. By integrating two epistemologies, historical-hermeneutic and empirical-analytical, we interpret the intentions to commit, and analyze the enabling conditions of its implementation, viz., PB’s human resources management. Content analysis methodology converts pieces of narratives into units of meaning, we provide evidences of the reasons why this reality is socially created, and capture its functioning. Findings from five cities show that the PB starts with the local government’s intention to respond to historical demands of civil society regarding direct participation in government. As a mean to this goal, we explain the human resources practices of attracting, developing, and retaining participants. We provide a practical benchmark for local authorities’ policy development, and for the literature of participatory management in municipalities.
Publication Information
Bocatto, E., & Perez-de-Toledo, E. (2018). The human resources management of a democratic action: intentionality, elements and functioning. Brazilian Journal of Strategy, 11(1), 142-165. doi:
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