Physiological knowledge retention in second-year nursing students
Faculty Advisor
knowledge retention, nursing students
Abstract (summary)
Despite anatomy and physiology being foundational courses in medical, allied health and nursing programs, there is growing concern that students are not retaining the essential bioscience knowledge in these courses over time (McVicar et al., 2015). Numerous studies have demonstrated the difficulty of medical, nursing, and allied health care students to retain and apply anatomical knowledge as they progress through their programs of study (Narnaware & Neumeier, 2020b). However, physiological knowledge retention has not been studied as extensively as anatomical knowledge retention in health care disciplines, with very few studies focusing on nursing students ( Aari et al., 2004). Of those studies, most are carried out after graduation ( Aari et al., 2004) or are focused on a single or limited number of organ systems ( Pourshanazari et al., 2013). The present study aims to determine the level of physiological knowledge retained by nursing students in the second year between completing their physiology course in first year nursing and enrollment in the second year pathophysiology course.
Publication Information
Narnaware, Y., Neumeier, M., & Chahal, P. (2021b-poster presentation). Physiological Knowledge Retention in Second-Year Nursing Students. The FASEB Journal, Vol. 35, Isssue S1.
Narnaware, Y., Neumeier, M., & Chahal, P. (2021b-poster presentation). Physiological Knowledge Retention in Second-Year Nursing Students. Experimental Biology (EB)-21, The American Physiology Society (APS) Virtual Conference, USA, April 27-30, 2021.
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